


Roberto Colombo. Position: Professor of Remote Sensing 


Graduated in Earth Science at the University of Milan, Italy, in 1991. He wrote his thesis on the use of remotely sensed data for geomorphological mapping of the inland delta of the Niger River in Mali. From 1994, he collaborated with the Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare in Florence and he was involved in the hydrological modelling of the Mareb River in Eritrea by combining satellite images and field data. From 1996 to 1999 he worked at the Remote Sensing Department of the CNR, in Milan, in researches regarding the use of remotely sensed data for the determination of energy balance components. From 1999 to 2002, he conducted researches at the DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission in Ispra, Italy, for developing methodologies for extracting river networks and catchment boundaries by combining DEMs and environmental parameters at pan European scale. From 2003-2004 he operated as Adjunct Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Milano Bicocca. Currently, he is leading the LTDA activities and the main research interest is to develop remote sensing tools for quantitative estimation of land surface properties. In this respect, he works with a wide range of Earth Observation data at different scales and geophysical methods, assimilating multi-source, multi-spectral and multi-temporal remote sensing data, from field to satellite level for modelling terrestrial and environmental dynamics. Scopus, Google ScholarResearchgate


Cinzia Panigada. Position: PhD – Technician


Since 2001 she works in the Laboratory of Remote Sensing of the Department of Earth and Environmental Science. Main research topics are: 1. analysis and elaboration of hyperspectral observations acquired by airborne or satellite sensors for quantitative estimation of plant traits  for environmental monitoring and modelling.  2.  expertise in field campaign organization, experimental design and field data acquisition (e.g. spectroradiometric measurements for image calibration and validation, leaf and canopy radiometric measurements by means of high resolution spectroradiometers; plant traits measurements at leaf and canopy level). Since January 2014 she collaborates with the University Grant Office as Reference person for Horizon 2020 proposals submission.



Micol Rossini. Position: Professor of GIS and Remote Sensing


Her research is focused on developing novel remote sensing methods for the monitoring, measuring and modelling of natural environments. She is particularly interested in the following scientific lines:
– Analysing the potential of novel remote sensing information for tracking ecosystem functioning and biodiversity at a variety of scales (from proximal sensing to earth observations)
– Developing methods for the quantitative estimation of land surface properties from multi-source optical and thermal remote sensing data
– Integrating remote sensing data, including sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence, into statistical and physically based models aimed at the analysis and modelling of environmental process, with a particular focus on the biogeochemical cycles (Carbon-Water-Nutrient)
– Studying the impact of climate change on the alpine and extra-alpine cryosphere and on the interactions between the atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere, with particular attention to high mountain environments.
She has also expertise on the design and development of remote sensing instruments for the collection of continuous spectral measurements; field campaign organization, experimental design and field data acquisition. ResearchGate, Google Scholar


Sergio Cogliati. Position: Researcher


He received his PhD in Environmental Sciences and he is currently a research fellow at the Laboratory of Remote Sensing of Environmental Dynamics (LTDA) working on hyperspectral remote sensing. The research interests include the development of new high spectral resolution instruments for field, UAV and airborne remote sensing. Since 2011 participates in the development of the European Space Agency (ESA) Fluorescence EXplorer (FLEX) mission developing novel retrieval algorithms and contributing in several airborne campaigns with the HyPlant sensor. My interest is in atmospheric propagation and atmospheric correction of remotely sensed data and the development of algorithms and inverse methods for the retrieval of biogeophysical surface parameters.



Roberto Garzonio. Position: PhD – Technician


Mountain glaciers, alpine environment, snow and ice. Information technology, data acquisition systems, data pre-processing and programming. Applied geomatics, GIS and UAV-based tools for environmental monitoring. Water supply in developing countries.




Giulia Tagliabue. Position: PostDoc Fellowship

My research focuses on the development of innovative remote sensing methods and algorithms for monitoring environmental processes based on Earth Observation data derived from multi-source spectral acquisitions. My activities mainly regard: the development of algorithms for the quantitative estimation of surface biogeophysical variables from field, airborne and spaceborne optical data through radiative transfer and machine learning models; the design, development, and testing of instrumentation for optical remote sensing measurements at laboratory, field, and drone scale; the cal/val activities of optical space missions and the exploitation of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in environmental modelling frameworks.




Claudia Ravasio. Position: PostDoc Fellowship

My PhD work focused on the optical characterization of single mineral dust particles in meltwater samples from the cryosphere. My research interest currently relies on the estimation of snow parameters that impact its radiative properties ( light absorbing impurities, snow liquid water content, grain size..) by multisource and multiscale remote sensing.




Beatrice Savinelli. Position: PhD student

My PhD research focuses on developing innovative products and services for monitoring forest ecosystem functionality and biodiversity in the Ticino Valley Park. The idea is to integrate remote sensing technology with ecological modelling and microbiological analysis, with an innovative interdisciplinary multi-scale approach, in order to define and map a set of biodiversity and ecosystem functionality indicators capable to take into account diverse aspects of forest ecosystem functionality and biodiversity. The resulting biodiversity and ecosystem functionality maps will supply a key tool for the assessment of forest ecosystem services, contributing to the design of optimal management strategies that take into account forests adaptation to future environmental conditions, and therefore promote their future conservation.



Luca Tuzzi. Position: PhD student

I am currently working on a multidisciplinary PhD course concerning the exploitation of Artificial Intelligence (both machine learning and deep learning) algorithms in the remote sensing field. My project aims at developing a data driven method based on both eddy covariance and satellite data, by exploiting custom-made algorithms based on AI to quantify the carbon sink on a regional scale.
I also deal with the development of AI-based methods to monitor the vegetation stress status by analyzing hyperspectral images acquired by drones. This is perceived by recovering structural, functional and biophysical parameters typical of plants, including fluorescence and fluorescence quantum yield.



Pietro Chierichetti. Position: PhD student

I graduated in Environmental Sciences with a thesis on the “Characterization of the multi-angular response of vegetated surfaces in the optical/thermal domain and use of BRDF models”. My Ph.D research focuses on developing retrieval algorithm of Sun Induced Florescence (SIF) from multi-source observations, and the development of novel SIF product toward a better understanding and interpretation of SIF with regards to the plant physiology and canopy biochemical/structural variables.




Matteo Monzali. Position: PhD student

My background includes a bachelor’s degree in Physics and Astrophysics from the University of Florence, followed by a master’s degree in Physics of the Earth System at the University of Bologna. My PhD research focuses on snow and ice multispectral remote sensing, where I investigate the physical properties of the snowpack and the radiative effects that dust and algae have on it. Beyond my primary research, I am interested in drones, atmospheric dynamics, and, of course, polar environments.




Chu Zou. Position: Visiting PhD student

I received the B.S. degree in geographic information science in 2020. I am currently working toward the PhD degree in quantitive remote sensing. My research interest is in developing consistent space-borne solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence products. I am now working on the cal/val scheme of Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX).





Luigi Vignali. Position: Research Scholarship

I graduated in 2022 in Geological Sciences and Technologies with a thesis on the retrieval of soil parameters using UAV and satellite hyperspectral data. My current work focuses on the acquisition and processing of high spatial resolution data (UAV and satellite imagery) and Lidar point clouds data collected in urban, forest, or agricultural environments. The main scope of my activity is mapping vegetation dynamics and soil properties in the urban and peri-urban areas to support activities related to the restoration ecology.




Jiawei Gao. Position: Research Scholarship

I obtained my bachelor degree of marine science in China and my master degree of geoinformatics in Italy. My master thesis was about setting up a webGIS to visualize CAMS dataset and validating it with ARPA dataset. Currently I am working with PRISMA images to calculate biodiversity indices and validate the results. I mainly utilize Python for my research since all of its packages just work.



Former Collaborators


Busi Ilaria. Environmental consultant.

Bearzot Francesca. PostDoc fellowship.

Celesti Marco. ESA Sentinel Optical Mission Scientist.

Di Mauro Biagio. Researcher CNR – ISP.

Julitta Tommaso. JB hyperspectral managing director.

Pennati Greta.

Pozzi Giulia. Secondary school professor.

Saini Isacco. Secondary school professor.

Biriukova Khelvi. PostDoc fellowship.

Blanco Sacristàn Javier. PostDoc fellowship.

Evdokimov Anton. PhD student.

Jia Min. PhD student.

Cazzaniga Ilaria. EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany.

Anelli Martina. Environmental consultant.

Fussi Fabio. Secondary school professor.

Ginocchi Mirko. PostDoc fellowship.

Sajovitz Claudio. Environmental consultant.

Cilia Chiara.  Environmental consultant.

Fava Francesco.  Senior Environmental Scientist, ILRI, Kenya.

Marchesi Andrea. Account manager, Harris Geospatial Solutions, Milan, Italy.

Gottardelli Simone. Fondazione Montagna Sicura, Aosta, Italy.

Seguini Lorenzo. JRC consultant, Ispra, Italy.

Zanusso Dimitrij. Environmental free lance consultant.

De Matteo Eliseo. Environmental free lance consultant.

Stroppiana Daniela. CNR – IREA, Milan, Italy.

Migliavacca Mirco. JRC-EC staff.

Bellingeri Dario. ARPA Lombardia, Milan, Italy.

Meroni Michele. Scientific Officer, JRC, Ispra, Italy.

Busetto Lorenzo. Researcher CNR – IREA, Milan, Italy.

Marino Carlo Maria. Associate Professor.



Visiting scientists

Talie Sadat Musavi. Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Department of Biogeochemical Integration.

Michal Antala. PhD student at Poznan University, Poland.

Luis Miguel da Costa. Student at São Paulo State University, Brasil.

Fawcett Dominic. PhD student, Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, UK.

Quarfeld Jamie. Erasmus plus internship, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

Zarco-Tejada Pablo. Professor, University of Melbourne, Australia.

Pacheco-Labrador Javier. PostDoc Fellowship, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany. From 11 October to 20 December 2014.

Vittek Marian. PhD student, University of Bonn, Germany. From 15 October to 19 December 2012.

Sakowska Karolina. PostDoc Fellowship, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. From 25 February to 10 March 2012.

Monteiro Antonio. Post Doc researcher, CIBIO, University of Porto, Portugal.

Diaz Varela Ramon. Associate Professor, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Calvo Silvia. University of Vigo, Spain.

Musinu Silvia. Environmental free lance consultant.

Tercia Azevedo. GESAMB, Gestão Ambiental e de Resíduos, EEIM. Portugal.

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