• Borgniet L, D Toe, F Berger, M Galvagno, C Panigada, R Colombo. (2014). Management Strategies to Adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks Monitoring climatic change impacts on protection forests in Aosta Valley (Italy) and in Drôme (France) using medium and high resolution remote sensing and mateloscopes plots, chapter 16.
  • Panigada C., R. Colombo, L. Busetto, C. Cilia, S. Amaducci, G. D’Urso. (2012). Verso l’individuazione di indicatori precoci dello stress idrico e carenza di nutrienti in agricoltura: sviluppo di metodi innovativi di telerilevamento iperspettrale da aereo (Individuation of early stress indicators of water and nitrogen deficit: development of innovative methods from aerial remote sensing). AxìA: imparare dalla diversità, creare valore per l’Italia,. ISBN: 978-88-96414-78-1. Qanat Edizioni.
  • Comini B., Gagliazzi E., Cocca G., Nastasio P., Calvo E., Colombo R., Di Mauro B., Busetto L., Skudnik M., Sturm T. and Breznikar A. (2013). Abiotic Stressors – Fire Hazard, Management Strategies to Adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks, Dr. Gillian Cerbu (Ed.)
  • Stroppiana D., Fava F., Boschetti M., Brivio A. (2011). Estimation of nitrogen content in crops and pastures using hyperspectral vegetation indices. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation (Ed. Thenkabail P. S., Lyon J.G., Huete A.), CRC press.
  • Colombo R., Meroni M., Busetto L., Rossini M., Panigada C. (2011). Optical Remote Sensing of Vegetation Water Content, In: Thenkabail P.S., Lyon J.G., Huete A. (Eds.) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group (USA), pp. 227-244. ISBN: 978-1-4398-4537-0.
  • Meroni, M., Rossini, M., Colombo , R. (2008), Characterization of leaf physiology using reflectance and fluorescence hyperspectral measurements. InOptical observation of vegetation properties and characteristics, Ed. Maselli F., Menenti M., Brivio P.A. Printed by Research Signpost, Trivandrum, Kerala, India,pp. 45-58. ISBN: 978-81-308-0421-7.
  • Vogt, J.V., P. Soille, R. Colombo, M.L. Paracchini, A. de Jager (2007): Development of a pan-European River and Catchment Database. In: Peckham, R. and Jordan, G. (Eds.). Best Practices in Digital Terrain Modelling. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-36730-7, 121-144.
  • Vogt J., Colombo R., Paracchini M. L., Soille P., de Jager A., Folving S. (2002). A European Landscape Stratification Reflecting Drainage Density. In “Suistanable Development of Multifunctional Landscapes ”, Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung-ZALF (Ed.), Springer Verlag, Hiedelberg, pp. 95-110.
  • Marino C.M., Del Pero G., Longo M., Colombo R., (2002). Multitemporal evaluation of MIVIS data for waste disposal and landslide applications. In “Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images ” Bruzzone & Smith Eds. Series in Remote Sensing, World Scientific, pp. 266-273.
  • Brivio P.A., Colombo R., Meroni M. (2001). The use of remotely sensed data for the estimation of energy balance components in a mountainous catchment. In “Advances in Global Change Research”, Beninston, M. and Verstraete M. (Eds), Kluwer Academid Publisher, The Netherlands, pp. 307- 327.
  • Colombo R., Sarfatti P. (1997). Hydrological analysis of two sub-catchments of the Mareb river (Eritrea), Remote Sensing and Water Resources , In: ” FAO Water Bullettin n. 16”. pp. 251-260.
  • Colombo R., Gomarasca M.A., Pagnoni F., Profeti G., Strobelt S. (1997). La classificazione delle risaie da immagini da satellite. In “ Impatto sulle Acque delle Agrotecnologie in Risicoltura ” a cura di M. Greppi e M. Polelli; Franco Angeli Ediz., Milano, pp. 39-54.

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