
Instruments and equipments:

  • VNIR-SWIR Spectral evolution portable spectroradiometer
  • MICROTOPS II sunphotometer
  • FLIR T650sc thermocamera
  • FloX system, to measure chlorophyll fluorescence induced by sun
  • RoX system VNIR spectral solar radiance, reflected radiance and reflectance
  • GEMMA Lab –  https://www.disat.unimib.it/it/ricerca/laboratori/laboratorio-gemma
  • MiniPAM WALZ. Active field fluorimeter. Photosynthetic yield analizer using chlorophyll a fluorescence emission based on leaf sample.
  • Calibration lamp Ocean Optics LS-1-CAL, CAL-2000 Mikropack. Spectrometer radiometric and spectral calibration
  • HyperICE System. Hyperspec VIS-NIR imaging spectrometer (380nm – 1000 nm). Headwall Photonics. Image based VIS-NIR snow/ice optical properties determination 
  • SNOWSENSORS for snow density, LWC and grain size
  • SNOW station for SWE and LWC
  • SPECTROFAN system for BFDF. Max Planck Institute, Department Biogeochemical Integration
    • Nikon Coolpix 8400 + 2 FishEye FC-E9, Vegetation biophisical parameters.
    • Meteorological/Thermal station equipped with datalogger (CR3000, Campbell Scientific). Vaisala air temperature and relative humidity; LI-COR PAR sensor and high precision APOGEE SI-121 infrared radiometer.
  • ASD FieldSpec HH VIS-NIR field spectroradiometer, reflectance .


  • HSI. Automatic field hyperspectral optical system (prototype)
    Continuous automatic determination of surface optical properties and passive chlorophyll fluorescence .


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  • MRI (Multiplexer Radiometer Irradiometer). Automatic field hyperspectral optical systembased on optical multiplexer (MPM-2000, Ocean Optics) Continuous automatic determination of surface optical properties and passive chlorophyll fluorescence .
  • PlantPen PRI 200, PRI (Photochemical Reflectance Index) Portable radiometer.
  • VIS-NIR HR-4000 subnanometric spectral resolution, reflectance and SIF.
  • Multispectral Tetracam ADC AIR. VIS NIR camera
    Surface optical properties determination (both at field and aerial level).
  • GPS AvMap Air EPK IV. EUROPE-AFRICA cartography.
    GPS for aerial control.

Link to DISAT website

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