Proceedings, Symposia and Non-Refereed Publications:
- Celesti, M., Rossini, M., Panigada, C., Cogliati, S., Delle Vedove, G., Peressotti, A., Sakowska, K., Miglietta, F., Colombo, R. (2016). Towards an unbiased link between Sun-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence and photosynthetic capacity: minimization of the effects of the main biophysical and environmental variables on the fluorescence signal. Living Planet Symposium 2016, 9-13 May 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Di Mauro B., Julitta T., Rossini M., Colombo R. (2016). Monitoring glacier albedo from space: evaluating trends and drifts from MODIS time series. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Suppl. n. 1 al Vol. 40, p. 699.
- Middleton, E.M., Rascher, U., Corp, L., Cook, B.D., Campbell, P.K.E.; Huemmrich, K.F., Alonso, L., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Guanter, L., Julitta, T., Pinto, F., Rossini, M., Schickling, A., Schuettemeyer, D. (2016). The Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) – US 2013 Airborne Campaign. Living Planet Symposium 2016, 9-13 May 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Migliavacca, M., Pérez-Priego, O., Rossini, M., El-Madany, T., Rascher, U., Van der Tol, C., Moreno, G., Guan, J.-H., Behrninger, A., Bessenbacher, V., Carrara, A., Fava, F., Henkel, K., Kolle, O., Martin Isabel, M.P., Pacheco Labrador, J., Zähle, S., Reichstein, M. (2016). Functional traits and structural controls on the relationship between photosynthetic CO2 uptake and sun-induced fluorescence in a Mediterranean grassland under different nutrient availability. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-10044, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria.
- Rascher, U., Alonso, L., Burkart, A., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Guanter, L., Hanus, J., Julitta, T., Middleton, E., Mohammed, G., Moreno, J., Panigada, C., Pinto, F., Rossini, M., Schickling, A., Zemek, F. (2016). Measuring and understanding the dynamics of sun-induced fluorescence – Results from the FLEX airborne demonstrator HyPlant. Living Planet Symposium 2016, 9-13 May 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Rascher, U., Alonso, L., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Drusch, M., Middleton, E., Miglietta, F., Mohammed, G., Moreno, J., Nedbal, L., Pinto, F., Rossini, M., Schickling, A., Schüttemeyer, D. (2016). Measuring and understanding the dynamics of sun-induced fluorescence – Background on the FLEX satellite mission – the 8th Earth Explorer of ESA. 36th EARSeL Symposium, 20-24 June 2016, Bonn, Germany.
- Rossini, M., Panigada, C., Zaady, E., Di Mauro, B., Tagliabue, G., Celesti, M., Cogliati, S., Garzonio, R., Colombo, R., Rascher, U., Miglietta, F. (2016). Mapping of biogenic soil crusts based on innovative remote sensing methods. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Suppl. n. 1 al Vol. 40, p. 711.
- Tagliabue, G., Panigada, C., Baret, F., Colombo, R., Guanter, L., Pinto, F., Rascher, U. Schickling, A., Van der Tol, C., Zarco-Tejada, P., Rossini, M. (2016). Analysis of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and biophysical variable patterns in a mixed forest comparing measured and modeled data. Living Planet Symposium 2016, 9-13 May 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Van der Tol, C., Rossini, M., Verhoef, W., Rascher, U., Mohammed, G. (2016). Validation and application of models for chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis. Living Planet Symposium 2016, 9-13 May 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Di Mauro B., T Julitta, R Colombo (2016). Glacier albedo decrease in the European Alps: potential causes and links with mass balances. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
- Ferrero L., G Mocnik, S Cogliati, A Comi, F Degni, B Di Mauro, ….., (2016).Direct Radiative Effect and Heating Rate of black carbon aerosol: high time resolution measurements and source-identified forcing effects.
- Fussi F., L Fumagalli, T Bonomi, CH Kane, F Fava, B Di Mauro, B Hamidou, …(2016). Characterization of shallow unconsolidated aquifers in West Africa using different hydrogeological data sources as a contribution to the promotion of manual drilling and low cost techniques for groundwater exploration. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
- Celesti M., M Rossini, S Cogliati, C Panigada, G Tagliabue, F Fava, …(2016). Comparison of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence estimates from commercial spectroradiometers: an optimal setup for field measurement and aerial product validation. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
- Quarfeld J, B di Mauro, R Colombo, J Verbesselt (2016). Exploring fire dynamics with BFAST approach: case studies in Sardinia, Italy EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
- Di Mauro B., G Baccolo, R Garzonio, A Piazzalunga, D Massabò, …(2016) Mountain glaciers darkening: geochemical characterizazion of cryoconites and their radiative impact on the Vadret da Morteratsch (Swiss Alps). EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
- Di Mauro B., Francesco Fava, Luca Ferrero, Roberto Garzonio, Giovanni Baccolo, Barbara Delmonte and Roberto Colombo. Mineral dust radiative effect on snow in European Alps. European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria (2015).
- Fussi F. , Francesco Fava, Biagio Di Mauro, Tullia Bonomi, Letizia Fumagalli, Margherita Di Leo, Cheik Hamidou Kane, Gayane Faye, Magatte Niang, Souleye Wade, Barry Hamidou and Roberto Colombo. Integration of Remote Sensing and other public GIS data source to identify suitable zones for groundwater exploitation by manual drilling. European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria (2015).
- Fussi F, Margherita Di Leo, Tullia Bonomi, Biagio Di Mauro, Francesco Fava, Letizia Fumagalli, Cheikh Hamidou Kane, Gayane Faye, Magatte Niang, Souleye Wade, Barry Hamidou and Roberto Colombo. Morphometric analysis with open source software to explore shallow hydrogeological features in Senegal and Guinea. European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria (2015).
- Matveeva, M., Schickling, A., Rascher, U., Pinto, F., Cendrero-Mateo, M.P., Rademske, P., Rossini, M., Colombo, R., Celesti, M., Cilia, C., Panigada, C., Cogliati, S., Miglietta, F., Alonso, L., Moreno, J., Damm, A., Mohammed, G., Schuettemeyer, D. (2015). Early indication of plant stresses by changes in vegetation indices and fluorescence. EARSeL 2015, 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop, 14-16 April 2015, Luxembourg, pp. 52-53.
- Rascher, U., Alonso, L., Burkart, A., Cilia, C., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Drusch, M., Guanter, L., Hanus, J., Hyvärinen, T., Julitta, T., Jussila, J., Kataja, K., Kraft, S., Kraska, T., Matveeva, M., Moreno, J., Muller, O., Panigada, C., Pikl, M., Pinto, F., Prey, L., Pude, R., Rossini, M., Schickling, A., Schurr, U., Schüttemeyer, D., Verrelst, J., Zemek, F. (2015). Mapping sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) for mechanistic stress responses of vegetation using the high-performance imaging spectrometer HyPlant. EARSeL 2015, 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop, 14-16 April 2015, Luxembourg, pp. 62-63.
- Rossini, M., Alberti, G., Bozzi, E., Celesti, M., Cilia, C., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Julitta, T., Juszczak, R., Miglietta, F., Panigada, C., Pinto, F., Sakowska, K., Schickling, A., Schuettemeyer, D., Stróżecki, M., Tudoroiu, M., Rascher, U. (2015). Monitoring the evolution of plant photosynthetic performances using ground sun-induced fluorescence measurements. EARSeL 2015, 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop, 14-16 April 2015, Luxembourg, pp.63-64.
- Wieneke, S., Rascher, U., Schickling, A., Pinto, F., Rademske, P., Matveeva, M., Cendrero-Mateo, M.P., Van der Tol, C., Damm, A., Rossini, M., Julitta, T., Colombo, R., Cogliati, S., Miglietta, F., Moreno, J., Alonso, L., Mohammed, G., Schuettemeyer, D., Graf, A. (2015). Using plant chlorophyll fluorescence for a better prediction of GPP and canopy carbon exchange. EARSeL 2015, 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop, 14-16 April 2015, Luxembourg, p. 64.
- Middleton, E M., T. Julitta, P. E. Campbell, K. F. Huemmrich, A. Schickling, M. Rossini, S. Cogliati, D. R. Landis, L. Alonso. Novel leaf-level measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence for photosynthetic efficiency. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE International.
- Migliavacca M., O. Perez Priego, T. El-Madany, J. Guan, A. Carrara, F. Fava, G. Moreno, O. Kolle, M. Rossini, M. Schrumpf, T. Julitta, M. Reichstein. Large and Small Scale Nitrogen and Phosporous Manipulation Experiment in a Tree-Grass Ecosystem: first year of results. EGU General Assembly Conference 2015.
- Alonso, L., Sabater Medina, N., Vicent Sivera, J., Cogliati, S., Rossini, M., Moreno, J. (2014). Novel Algorithm for the Retrieval of Solar-Induced Fluorescence from Hyperspectral Data Based on Peak Height of Apparent Reflectance at Absorption Features. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence 22 – 24 April 2014, Paris, France, pp. 53-54.
- Cendrero Mateo, M.P., Damm, A., Matveeva, M., Pinto, F., Rossini, , Schickling, A., Rascher, U. (2014). Remote Sensing of Sun-induced Fluorescence to Measure the Functional Regulation of Photosynthesis. AGU fall meeting 2014, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Cilia, C., Panigada, C., Rossini, M., Pepe, M., Candiani, G., Colombo, R. (2014). Individuazione di coperture in cemento-amianto e loro deterioramento da immagini iperspettrali. 18a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 14-16 ottobre 2014, Firenze, Italia, pp. 339-345.
- Cogliati, S., Rossini, M., Julitta, T., Panigada, C., Schickling, A., Pinto, F., Alonso, L., Vicent, J., Sabater, N., Colombo, R., Rascher, U., Verhoef, W., Moreno, J. (2014). Retrieval of sun induced fluorescence using advanced spectral fitting methods from radiative transfer simulations and HyPlant imagery. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Paris, France, 22-24 April 2014, 6 pp.
- Colombo, R., Alonso, L., Celesti, M., Cogliati, S., Damm, A., Drusch, M., Guanter, L., Julitta, T., Kokkalis, P., Moreno, J., Panigada, C., Pinto, F., Rascher, U., Rossini, M., Schickling, A., Schüttemeyer, D., Verhoef, W., Zemek, F. (2014). Remote sensing of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence at different scales. 6th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing (WHISPERS): Evolution in Remote Sensing, Lausanne, Switzerland, 24-27 June 2014, 4 pp.
- Colombo, R., Cilia, C., Panigada, C., Rossini, M., Pepe, M., Candiani, G. (2014). Telerilevamento iperspettrale per il riconoscimento di coperture in cemento amianto. “Gestione rischio amianto negli edifici pubblici e privati. Gli obblighi di legge nazionale e regionali dei proprietari e dei responsabili delle attività”, Ferrara, 19 Settembre 2014.
- Damm, A., Rossini, M., Colombo, R., Rascher, U., Schaepman, M.E. (2014). Airborne based spectroscopy to measure sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence. 6th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing, Lausanne, Switzerland, 24-27 June 2014, 4 pp.
- Fussi F., Fumagalli, Tullia Bonomi, Francesco Fava, Cheik Hamidou Kane, Magatte Niang, Souleye Wade, Gayane Faye, Barry Hamidou , Roberto Colombo: Estimation of suitability for manual drilling in Northern Senegal from textural and hydraulic parameters of shallow aquifers. 37th WEDC International Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2014
- Fussi F., Bonomi, Francesco Fava, Barry Hamidou, Cheikh Hamidou Khane, Gayane Faye, Souleye Wade, and Roberto Colombo: Tangafric: a software for the estimation of textural and hydraulic properties in shallow aquifers from well logs in Senegal and Guinea. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 16, EGU2014-12154, 2014
- Fussi F., Xavier Gras, Barry Hamidou, Julien Labas, Tullia Bonomi, Francesco Fava, Letizia Fumagalli, Lalit Patra, Alama Keita, Roberto Colombo: Promotion of manual drilling in Guinea. 37th WEDC International Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2014
- Fussi, H. Barry, M. Beavogui, R. Garzonio, A. Keita, L. Patra, M. Sartorelli, M. Louise, Characterization of shallow geology based on direct borehole data and field reports and identification of suitable zones for manual drilling in Guinea, Vogt. Geophysical Reasearch Abstract. Vol. 15, EGU2013-10662, 2013.
- Guanter, L., Rossini, M., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Rascher, U., Schickling, A., Pinto, F. (2014). Mapping chlorophyll fluorescence at 740 and 690 nm with the Hyplant airborne imaging spectrometer. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, 22 – 24 April 2014, Paris, France , pp. 50-51.
- Mac Arthur, A., Robinson, I., Rossini, M., Davis, N., MacDonald, K. (2014). A dual-field-of-view spectrometer system for reflectance and fluorescence measurements (Piccolo doppio) and correction of etaloning. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Paris, France, 22-24 April 2014, 8 pp.
- Nasilowska, S., Herrmann, C. Cilia, L. Alonso, L. Vescovo. FluoWAT leaf clip measurements for maize bio-physiological parameters measurements. 34th EARSeL Symposium, 16th – 20th June 2014, Warsaw, Poland.
- Pérez-Priego, O., Guan, J., Fava, F., Rossini, M., Wutzler, T., Moreno, G., Carrara, A., Kolle, O., Schrumpf, M., Reichstein, M., Migliavacca, M. (2014). Estimating photosynthesis with high resolution field spectroscopy in a Mediterranean grassland under different nutrient availability. AGU fall meeting 2014, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Pinto, F., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Müller-Linow, M., Panigada, C., Rossini, M., Schickling, A., Rascher, U. (2014). Mapping Spatio-Temporal Variations of Sun- Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at Close Canopy Scale using Hyperspectral Images. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, 22 – 24 April 2014, Paris, France, pp. 15-16.
- Rascher, U., Alonso, L., Burkart, A., Cilia, C., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Drusch, M., Cogliati, S., Guanter, L., Rossini, M., Hyvärinen, T., Jussila, J., Julitta, T., Kraft, S., Moreno, J., Pinto, F., Prey, L., Schickling, A., Schüttemeyer, D., Verrelst, J. (2014). HyPlant: A Novel, High-Performance Air-Borne Imaging Spectrometer to Map Sun-Induced Fluorescence: Instrument technology, Measurement Concepts, and Overview on Data. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, 22 – 24 April 2014, Paris, France, p. 24.
- Rossini, M., Alonso, L., Burkart, A., Celesti, M., Cilia, C., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Guanter, L., Hanus, J., Julitta, T., Kokkalis, P., Moreno, J., Panigada, C., Pinto, F., Schickling, A., Schüttemeyer, D., Zemek, F., Rascher, U. (2014). Measuring sun-induced fluorescence of forest ecosystems from ground and airborne scale. ForestSAT2014: a bridge between forest sciences, remote sensing and geo-spatial applications, 4-7 November 2014, Riva del Garda (TN), Italy.
- Rossini, M., Alonso, L., Cogliati, S, Damm, A., Guanter, L., Julitta, T., Meroni, M., Moreno, J., Panigada, C., Pinto, F., Rascher, U., Schickling, A., Schüttemeyer, D., Zemek, F., Colombo, R. (2014). Measuring sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: an evaluation and synthesis of existing field data. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Paris, France, 22-24 April 2014, 5 pp.
- Sabater, N., Alonso, L., Vicent, J., Cogliati, S., Verrelst, J., & and J. Moreno. (2014). A fluorescence retrieval method for the flex sentinel-3 tandem mission. In 6° Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS). June 25-27th, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland: IEEE.
- Sakowska, K., Cremonese, E., Galvagno, M., Juszczak, R., Morra di Cella, U., Olejnik, J., Rossini, M., Sottocornola, M., Urbaniak, M., Vescovo, L., Gianelle, D. (2014). Remote sensing of forest CO2 ForestSAT2014: a bridge between forest sciences, remote sensing and geo-spatial applications, 4-7 November 2014, Riva del Garda (TN), Italy.
- Schickling, A., Pinto, F., Ahrends, H., Wienekke, S., Damm, A., Rossini, M., Alonso, L., Cogliati, S., Julitta, T., Moreno, J., Panigada, C., Schüttemeyer, D., Zemek, F., Colombo, R., Rascher, U. (2014). Spatio-Temporal Variability of Validated Sun-Induced Fluorescence Maps from HyPlant Imaging Spectrometer. International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, 22 – 24 April 2014, Paris, France, pp. 24-25.
- Siniscalco, C., Julitta, T., Cremonese, E., Filippa, G., Freppaz, M., Rossini, M., Galvagno, M., Migliavacca, M., Celi, L., Colombo, R., Morra di Cella, U. (2014). Phenological analysis provides insights on the spatial distribution and on response to snowmelt of plant functional types in a subalpine grassland. 109° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana International Plant Science Conference, 2 – 5 September 2014, Florence, Italy, p. ii.
- Yang, X., Tang, J., Mustard, J.F., Lee, J.E., Rossini, M., Joiner, J., Munger, J.W., Richardson, A.D. (2014). Seasonal pattern of solar-induced fluorescence as a proxy for canopy photosynthesis in a temperate deciduous forest. AGU fall meeting 2014, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Fussi F., Hamidou Barry, Massaboye Beavogui, Roberto Garzonio, Alama Keita, Lalit Patra, Massimo Sartorelli, and MarieLouise Vogt: Characterization of shallow geology based on direct borehole data and field reports and identification of suitable zones for manual drilling in Guinea. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-10662, 2013.
- Fussi F., Roberta Alvino, Massimo Caruba, Luca Galimberti, Ignacio Marzan, David Tarrason y Cerda’, and Daniela Sabatini – Mapping of suitable zones for manual drilling as a possible solution to increase access to drinking water in Africa through integration of systematized GIS data and local knowledge. Geophysical Research Abstracts – Vol. 15, EGU2013-8937, 2013
- Galvagno, M., Wohlfahrt, G., Migliavacca, M., Cremonese, E., Rossini, M., Colombo, R., Filippa, G., Julitta, T., Manca, G., Morra di Cella, U., Siniscalco, C. (2013). Phenology and carbon dioxide source/sink strength of a subalpine grassland in response to an exceptionally short snow season. Climate Extremes and Biogeochemical Cycles 2013, 2-5 April 2013, Congress Center Seefeld, Austria.
- Di Mauro B., Fava F. , Busetto L., Crosta G. F. and Colombo R. Evaluation of vegetation post-fire resilience in the Alpine region using descriptors derived from MODIS spectral index time series. Geophysical Reasearch Abstract. Vol. 15, EGU2013-4221 European Geoscience Union EGU, Vienna, Austria 2013.
- Julitta, T., Cremonese, E., Colombo, R., Rossini, M., Fava, F., Cogliati, S., Galvagno, M., Panigada, C., Siniscalco, C., Morra di Cella, U., Migliavacca, M. (2013). Snow melt and phenology of a subalpine grassland: analysis through the use of digital camera images. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU2013-3446, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria. eISSN: 1607-7962.
- Pinto, F., Müller-Linow, M., Cogliati S., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Panigada, C., Rossini, M., Schickling, A., Rascher, U. (2013). Mapping of sun- induced fluorescence at canopy scale using co-registration of hyperspectral and 3D stereo images. 8th EARSeL Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, 8-10 April 2013, Nantes, France.
- Rascher, U., Alonso, L., Burkart, A., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Guanter, L., Hanus, J., Hyvärinen, T., Julitta, T., Kokkalis, P., Moreno, J., Pinto, F., Rossini, M., Schickling, A., Schüttemeyer, D., Zemek, F. (2013). Mapping sun-induced fluorescence using the high performance imaging spectrometer HyPlant. 8th EARSeL Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, 8-10 April 2013, Nantes, France.
- Schickling, A., Pinto, F., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Rossini, M., Julitta, T., Rascher, U. (2013). Mapping sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as an indicator for photosynthetic rate. AGU fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA, 9-13 December 2013.
- Schickling, A., Pinto, F., Damm, A., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Rossini, M., Julitta, T., Crewell, S., Schween, J.H., Rascher, U. (2013). Remote sensing of sun-induced fluorescence using the high performance imaging spectrometer HyPlant. International Symposium Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Systems: Monitoring, Modelling & Data Assimilation, 11-14 March 2013, Bonn, Germany.
- Schickling, A., Pinto, F., Damm, A., Schween, J.H., Crewell, S., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Rossini, M., Julitta, T., Rascher, U. (2013). Evaluation of sun-induced fluorescence maps as an indicator for plant functional properties. 8th EARSeL Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, 8-10 April 2013, Nantes, France.
- Colombo, R., Panigada, C., Cogliati, S., Rossini, M., Cilia, C., Busetto, L., Meroni, M., Julitta, T., Amaducci, S. (2012). Hyperspectral remote sensing tools for precision farming applications. HSI 2012 Third Annual Hyperspectral Imaging Conference, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, Italy, 15 – 16 May 2012, pp. 24-28.
- Galvagno M., Cremonese E., Migliavacca M., Morra di Cella U., Rossini M., Colombo R. (2012). Influence of early snowmelt on phenology and ecosystem productivity of an unmanaged mountain grassland of northwestern Italian Alps. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-8205, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria. eISSN: 1607-7962.
- Cogliati S., Colombo R., Rossini M., Meroni M., Julitta T., Panigada C., (2012) Retrievel Of Vegetation Fluorescence From Ground-Based And Airborne High Resolution Measurements. 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 22-27 July, Munich, Germany.
- Rossini M., Cogliati S., Meroni M., Migliavacca M., Julitta T., Cremonese E., Galvagno M., Gioli B., Miglietta F., Morra di Cella U., Colombo R. (2012). Estimation of gross ecosystem production by hyperspectral and fluorescence measurements in terrestrial ecosystems. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 22-27 July 2012, Munich, Germany.
- Colombo R., Busetto L., Di Mauro B., Cocca G., Gagliazzi E. and Comini B., (2011). Using satellite time-series to monitor post- fire vegetation dynamics in the Alps region. 5th International Wildfire Conference Sun City, South Africa, 9-13 May 2011.
- Julitta, T., Colombo, R., Cremonese, E., Migliavacca, M., Rossini, M., Cogliati, S., Busetto, L., Galvagno, M., Morra di Cella, U. (2011). Monitoraggio del ciclo fenologico della vegetazione attraverso l’impiego di immagini webcam. Atti 15a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Reggia di Colorno (Parma), Italy, 15-18 novembre 2011, pp. 1315-1326.
- Panigada C., Cilia C., Busetto L., Colombo R., Meroni M., Amaducci S., Rossini M., Cogliati S., Boschetti M., Picchi V., Marchesi A., Julitta T., Palladino M., D’Urso G. (2011). Individuazione precoce dello stress idrico e nutrizionale in agricoltura da immagini iperspettrali. Atti 15a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 15-18 novembre, Reggia di Colorno, Italy.
- Julitta, T., Colombo, R., Busetto, L., Cogliati, S., Rossini, M., Migliavacca, M., Cremonese, E., Galvagno, M., Morra di Cella, U. (2011). Analysis of webcam images: filtering approaches and elaborations. Phenoalp project final meeting, 12-14 October 2011, Torgnon (AO), Italy.
- Fava F., Pulighe G., Zucca C. (2011). Pasture condition mapping in desertification sensitive areas of Sardinia by MODIS satellite data, International Conference on Dryland ecosystem functioning and resilience: integrating biophysical assessment with socio-economic issues. Alghero (Italy), July 6-8 2011. (Poster Presentation)
- Pinto, F., Röhlen, M., Rascher, U., Panigada, C., Rossini, M., Meroni, M. (2011). Remote sensing of photosynthetic efficiency in three different crops species using hyperspectral and sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence imaging method. 7th EARSeL Workshop of the Special Interest Group in Imaging Spectroscopy, 11-13th April 2011, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 32.
- Pulighe G., Fava F., Zucca C., Madrau S., D’Angelo M., Scotti R. (2011). Mapping land cover changes associated with restoration actions to combat desertification in a Mediterranean sylvopastoral landscape, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-11867, EGU General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 3-8 April. (Poster Presentation)
- Fava F., Zucca C., Roggero P.P. (2011). Vegetation condition assessment and monitoring in Mediterranean agro-pastoral regions, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-7981, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 April. (Poster Presentation)
- Panigada C., Busetto L., Meroni M., Rossini M., Cogliati S., Colombo R., Amaducci S., Boschetti M, Picchi V., Marchesi A., Pinto F., Rascher U. (2010). EDOCROS: Early detection of crop water and nutritional stress by remotely sensed indicators. 4th International Workshop on remote sensing of vegetation fluorescence, Valencia, Spain, 15-17 November 2010.
- Rossini M., Meroni M., Cogliati S., Panigada C., Migliavacca M., Barducci A., Castagnoli F., Cremonese E., Galvagno M., Morra di Cella U., Gioli B., Miglietta F., Busetto L., Seufert G., Cescatti A., Colombo R. (2010). Gross ecosystem productivity estimation by means of ground-based hyperspectral and fluorescence measurements: methods and preliminary results. 4th International Workshop on remote sensing of vegetation fluorescence, Valencia, Spain, 15-17 November 2010.
- Marchesi A., Colombo R., Quadrelli N., Perri L., Parma M., Schiavi M. (2010). Generazione di mappe di consumo del suolo tramite dati tele rilevati. ATTI della XIV Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 9-12 Novembre 2010, Fiera di Brescia, Italia
- Rossini M., Meroni M., Migliavacca M., Cogliati S. , Busetto L. , Cremonese E., Galvagno M., Gioli, B., Magnani, F., Miglietta, F., Morra di Cella, U., Siniscalco, C., Colombo R. (2010). Estimation of gross ecosystem production by hyperspectral measurements in terrestrial ecosystems. Third Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Edited by José A. Sobrino, Universitat de València. Published by Publicacions de la Universitat de València, València, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-370-7952-3., pp. 851-856.
- Panigada C., Colombo R., Meroni M., Rossini M., Cogliati S., Busetto L., Fava F., Picchi V., Migliavacca M., Marchesi A. (2010). Remote sensing of vegetation status using hyperspectral data. Hyperspectral Workshop 2010, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 17- 19 March.
- Panigada C., Colombo R., Meroni M., Rossini M., Busetto L., Fava F., Marchesi A., Cogliati S., Migliavacca M. (2009). Sviluppo di algoritmi da immagini iperspettrali per applicazioni sullo stato della vegetazione. Workshop “PRISMA: Verso le Applicazioni della missione iperspettrale nazionale”, ASI, Centro di Geodesia Spaziale “G. Colombo”, Matera 31 Marzo-1 Aprile 2009.
- Carvalhais N., Reichstein M., Collatz J.G.,Mahecha M., Migliavacca M., Neigh C., Seixas J., Tomelleri E. (2009). Implications of the ecosystem steady state assumption for NEP estimates from site level to regional scales. 8th International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Jena, Germany, September 13-19 2009.
- Fava F., Colombo R., Bocchi S., Busetto L., Musinu, S., Zucca C. (2009) Mapping Mediterranean rangeland condition using MODIS NDVI time series. Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. May 4-8 2009, Stresa, Italy.
- Cogliati S. , Meroni M. , Rossini M ., Picchi V., Panigada C., Colombo R. (2009). Early assessment of ozone injuries on vegetation by advanced remote sensing techniques. Proceedings of the 33 rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE) , Stresa, Lago Maggiore , Italy , May 4-8 2009.
- Rossini M., Cogliati S., Marchesi A., Fava F. , Giardino C., Panigada C. , Bresciani M., Busetto L., Migliavacca M., Picchi V., Boschetti M., Amaducci S., Vincini M., Colombo R., Meroni M. (2009). Detection of water stress in maize with hyperspectral imagery. Proceedings of the 33 rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE) , Stresa, Lago Maggiore , Italy , May 4-8 2009.
- Rossini M., Meroni M., Migliavacca M., Manca G., Cogliati S., Busetto L., Picchi V., Barducci A., Castagnoli F., Seufert G., Colombo R. (2009). Estimation of gross ecosystem production by hyperspectral measurements in a rice field. Proceedings of the 30 th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing “Bridging Excellence”, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, June 22-25, 2009.
- Busetto L., Migliavacca M., Cremonese E., Colombo R., Galvagno M., Morra di Cella U., Pari E., Siniscalco C. (2009) Monitoring climate-driven interannual variability of European Larch phenology in an alpine environment: results of the REPHLEX project. Geophysical Research Abstracts,Vol. 11, EGU2009-7997, EGU General Assembly 2009 (link)
- Rossini M., Migliavacca M., Meroni M., Manca G., Cogliati S., Busetto L., Picchi, V., Galvagno, M., Colombo, R., Seufert, G. (2009). Hyperspectral measurements for estimating biophysical parameters and CO2 exchanges in a rice field, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-12717, EGU General Assembly 2009. (link)
- Migliavacca M. , Reichstein M. (2009). Phenology and carbon fluxes of forest ecosystems – Integration of remote sensing, flux observation and modeling. ESA-iLEAPS ALANIS Scientific Consultation Workshop , 20 April 2009, Vienna , Austria.
- Colombo R., M. , Rossini M. , Cogliati S. , Migliavacca M. , Panigada C. , Seufert G., Meroni M. (2009). Retrieval of vegetation fluorescence from hyperspectral data for the analysis of plant status. 6 th EARSeL SIG IS workshop IMAGING SPECTROSCOPY: Innovative tool for scientific and commercial environmental applications , 16 – 19 March 2009, Tel-Aviv University, Tel- Aviv, Israel.
- Migliavacca, M. ; Reichstein, M.; Colombo, R. Richardson, A. D.; Lasslop, G. Semi-Empirical Modelling Of Biotic And Abiotic Factors Controlling Ecosystem Respiration Across Eddy-Covariance Sites. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008. American Geophysical Union. 2008 AGUFM.B31E..05M.
- Busetto, L., Colombo, R., Migliavacca, M., Cremonese, E., Morra di Cella, U., Meroni, M. (2008). Monitoring European Larch Phenological Cycle by Means of MODIS NDVI Data.American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #B51B-0387, (link)
- Fava F. , Colombo R. , Bocchi S., Sitzia M., Meroni M. , Zucca C. (2008). Assessment of mediterranean pastures biomass and nitrogen status using field spectrometry , Proceedings of the 10 th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Italian Journal of Agronomy , 3 (3), 483-484.
- Meroni M. , Migliavacca M. , Colombo R. , Cogliati S. , Rossini M. , Panigada C. , Busetto L. , Fava F. , Marchesi A. (2008). Optical sampling activities of the Remote Sensing Laboratory – University of Milan – Bicocca. SpecNet Europe meeting, 30 June – 4 July 2008 , Centre for Alpine Ecology – Fondazione Mach, Viote del Monte Bondone (Trento), Italy.
- Cogliati S. , Meroni M. , Rossini M. , Panigada C. , Migliavacca M. , Colombo R. , Seufert G. (2008). Robotic HyperSpectral Irradiometer (HSI) for continuous high resolution spectral acquisition: hardware and software development. SpecNet Europe meeting, 30 June – 4 July 2008 , Centre for Alpine Ecology – Fondazione Mach, Viote del Monte Bondone (Trento), Italy.
- Meroni M. , Rossini M. , Cogliati S. , Panigada C. , Migliavacca M. , Colombo R. , Seufert G. (2008). Passive measurement of steady-state Chl fluorescence: method and link to vegetation photosynthetic activity. SpecNet Europe meeting, 30 June – 4 July 2008 , Centre for Alpine Ecology – Fondazione Mach, Viote del Monte Bondone (Trento), Italy (poster).
- Panigada C. , Rossini M. , Meroni M. , Cogliati S. , Picchi V., Marzuoli R., Gerosa G., Colombo R. (2008). Individuazione di indicatori degli effetti dell’ozono sulla vegetazione mediante misure spettroradiometriche. 12 a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 21-24 ottobre 2008, L’Aquila, Italy.
- Rossini M. , Meroni M. , Migliavacca M. , Cogliati S. , Manca G., Busetto L. , Picchi V., Galvagno M. , Fava F. , Marchesi A. , Zenone T., Panigada C. , Seufert G., Colombo R. (2008). Relationships between CO 2 eddy flux data and hyperspectral measurements in a rice field. SpecNet Europe meeting, 30 June – 4 July 2008 , Centre for Alpine Ecology – Fondazione Mach, Viote del Monte Bondone (Trento), Italy.
- Migliavacca, M. , Reichstein, M., Colombo, R., Lasslop, G., Tomelleri, E. et al. (2008) Semi-empirical modelling of ecosystem respirati on at European scale: model optimization and quantification of the associated uncertainties. Vien, European Geosciences Union , April 2008
- Galvagno M. , Cremonese E., Morra Di Cella U., Rossini M. , Colombo R. , Migliavacca M. , Meroni M. (2008). Seasonal course of chlorophyll fluorescence and autumnal pigments degradation in L arix decidua Mill. XLVII Congresso della Società Italiana di Fisiologia Vegetale , 30 giugno-02 Luglio 2008, Pisa.
- Grignetti A., Casulli E., Chiarabaglio P.M., Gennaro M., Giorcelli A., Gonthier P., Gullino M.L., Meroni M. , Mosso G., Nicolotti G., Rossini M. (2008). Studio degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici su genotipi di pioppo nero mediante parametri fisiologici e spettroscopici: un caso di studio in parcelle sperimentali sottoposte a diversi regimi idrici. 44° Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Scienza della Vegetazione . La scienza della vegetazione per l’analisi e la gestione ambientale, 27-29 Febbraio 2008, Ravenna.
- Rossini M ., Migliavacca M. , Meroni M. , Manca G., Cogliati S. , Busetto L. , Picchi V., Colombo R. , Seufert G. (2008). Stima della produttività primaria lorda a partire da misure iperspettrali in una risaia. Atti 12 a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA , L’Aquila, Italy, 21-24 ottobre 2008, pp. 1755-1760.
- Migliavacca, M. ; Reichstein, M.; Richardson, A. D.; Lasslop, G. Semi-Empirical Modelling Of Biotic And Abiotic Factors Controlling Ecosystem Respiration Across Eddy-Covariance Sites. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007. American Geophysical Union. 2007AGUFM.B31E..05M.
- Busetto, L., Cremonese E., Migliavacca M., Colombo R., Morra Di Cella U., Siniscalco C. (2007). Applicazione di modelli per il monitoraggio del ciclo fenologico in popolamenti di “Larix Decidua” mediante immagini satellitari MODIS. Atti 11a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Torino.
- Colombo R., Meroni M., Panigada C., Rossini M., Cogliati S., Picchi V., Nali C., Lorenzini G., Gerosa, G., Marzuoli, R., Faoro, F., Iriti, M., Bussotti, F., Gatti, E., Ballarin-denti, A. e Tagliaferri, A. (2007). Identificazione di indicatori precoci del danno da ozono sulla vegetazione mediante tecniche radiometriche. in: Ozono e vegetazione: il contributo della ricerca italiana (a cura di C. Nali e M. Ferretti). I quaderni del Centro Enrico Avanzi dell’Università di Pisa, 4, 60, Felici Editore, Pisa.
- Colombo, R., Meroni M., Panigada C., Rossini M., Busetto L. (2007). Retrieval of leaf biochemical and canopy biophysical parameters from hyperspectral data. SINO-ESA’s Earth Observation Science Workshop, Florence.
- Cogliati, S., Rossini M., Meroni M., Colombo R., Giardino C. (2007). Anisotropic properties of solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence signals at canopy level. 27th EARSeL Symposium: “Geoinformation in Europe”, Bolzano 4-7 June.
- Cogliati, S., Meroni, M., Rossini, M., Picchi, V., Panigada, C. e Colombo, R. (2007). Stima della fluorescenza passiva per la valutazione del danno da ozono sulla vegetazione. Atti 11a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Torino, Italy, 6-9 novembre 2007.
- Cremonese, E., Colombo R., Busetto L., Galvagno M., Meroni M., Migliavacca M., Morra DiCella U., Pari E., Siniscalco C. (2007). Detection of the larix decidua phenological cycle in the alpine environment by using MODIS data. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007.
- Fava, F., Bocchi, S., Colombo, R., Musinu, S., Sitzia, M., Fois, N. (2007) Monitoraggio dei pascoli mediterranei con tecniche agronomiche e radiometriche. XXXVII Convegno Nazionale Società Italiana di Agronomia, Catania, 13-14 Settembre 2007.
- Galvagno, M., Cremonese, E., Morra Di Cella, U., Rossini, M., Colombo, R., Migliavacca, M., Meroni, M. (2007). Misure di fluorescenza attiva e pigmenti fotosintetici per la caratterizzazione del ciclo fenologico in Larix decidua Mill. VI Congresso Nazionale SISEF. La Gestone delle Foreste tra Cambiamenti Globali e Azioni Locali, Settembre 2007, Arezzo.
- Gerosa, G., Marzuoli, R., Iriti, M., Rossini, M., Panigada, C., Faoro, F., Ballarin Denti, A. (2007). Lesioni fogliari, efficienza fotosintetica e produttività di Phaseolus v. in relazione ai flussi stomatici di ozono. XXV Convegno della Società Italiana di Chimica Agraria, 18-21 Settembre 2007, Pisa.
- Meroni, M., Rossini, M., Colombo, R., Cogliati, S., Panigada, C., Picchi, V. and Giardino, C. (2007). PRI and passive steady-state fluorescence measurements at leaf and canopy level. 3rd International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Florence, Italy, February 7-9, 2007, published on CD-ROM by ESA Publications Division.
- Migliavacca M., Cremonese E., Busetto L., Morra di Cella U., Meroni M., Colombo R. (2007). Detection of the Larix Decidua phenological cycle in the alpine environment by using MODIS data. European Geosciences Union , Wien, Austria.
- Migliavacca, M., Reichstein, M. (2007). Semi-empirical modelling of ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm. Workshop on automated, soil respiration mesurements. Durham, New Hampshire, USA, September 10-12, 2007.
- Migliavacca, M.,Reichstein M., Colombo R., Lasslop G., et al. (2007). Semi-empirical modelling of biotic and abiotic factors controlling ecosystem respiration across eddy-covariance sites. Carboeurope-IP Annual Meeting, Poznan, Poland, 8-12.
- Panigada C., Rossini, M., Busetto, L., Fava, F., Colombo, R., Meroni, M., Parco, V. (2007). Remote sensing of chlorophyll concentration as quantitative index of forest condition. Series of University of Göttingen and North West German Forest Research Institute, pp. 73-78.
- Zenone, T., Migliavacca, M., Montagnani, L., Seufert, G. and Valentini, R. (2007). Carbon sequestration in short rotation forestry (SRF) and traditional poplar plantation: The JRC Kyoto Experiment. Environmental Applications of Poplar and Willow Working Party Workshop meeting (FAO). 5th – 8th June 2007, Montreal , Quebec , Canada .
- Meroni M., Cogliati S., Picchi V., Rossini M., Panigada C., Nali C., Lorenzini G., Marino C. M., Colombo R. (2006). Leaf level detection of steady state fluorescence and PRI for early ozone injury assessments. Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing. Ed. José A. Sobrino. Servicio de Publicaciones. Universitat de Valencia. Valencia, 2006. ISBN of the book: 84-370-6533-X; 978-84-370-6533-5.
- Colombo R., Meroni M., Busetto L., Marchesi A. (2006). Estimating canopy water content of poplar plantation from MIVIS data.. Proc. Earth Observation for vegetation monitoring and water management “, American Institute of Physics.
- Marchesi, A., Colombo R., Valentini P.G. (2006). Application of high spatial resolution satellite imagery for urban environmental mapping. Atti First International Conference on Object-based Image Analysis, Salisburgo, Austria. Vol XXXVI-4/C42.
- Picchi V., Meroni M., Nali C., Cogliati S., Rossini M., Panigada C., Lorenzini G., Colombo R. (2006). Ecophysiological measurements and remote sensing techniques: an approach for the detection of early ozone injury; 19° Task Force Meeting of the UNECE ICP Vegetation, Caernarfon, Wales, UK.
- Ferrini, S.B., Bolzacchini E., Cacciari A., Colombo R., Di Nicolantonio W., Fava F., Ferrero L., Mondini A., Ober G., Tampellini L., (2006). Correzione atmosferica di immagini satellitari mediante l’impiego di proprietà ottiche degli aerosol derivate da misure in-situ. Atti X Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Bolzano, pp. 1116-1122.
- Colombo R. (2006). Risposta della vegetazione al cambiamento climatico: sinergie tra osservazioni dallo spazio e misure di campo. In: “L’acqua, una risorsa per il sistema agricolo lombardo. I dati del Servizio Agrometeorologico” Regione Lombardia, Agricoltura: coltivare il futuro. pp. 73-81.
- Zucca, C., Colombo R., Lo Presti S., Musinu S., Seguini L., (2006). La valutazione mediante telerilevamento degli impatti territoriali delle Misure agroambientali. Il caso del biologico in Sardegna. Atti X Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Bolzano, pp. 1245-1251.
- Moreno et al., (2006). Fluorescence explorer (FLEX): An optimised payload to map vegetation photosynthesis from space, AIAA 57th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2006
- Migliavacca M., Busetto L., Meroni M., Colombo R., Panigada C. and Seufert G. (2005). Estimation of Gross Primary Production in agro-forestry ecosystem by assimilation of satellite-derived information in a process model. Workshop on Climatic Analysis and Mapping for Agriculture. Book published by WMO/FAO/COST Action.
- Panigada C., Rossini M., Meroni M., Casati L., Colombo R., Castrovinci R., Busetto L. (2005). Stima Quantitativa di Parametri Biofisici della Vegetazione a partire da Immagini MIVIS per il Monitoraggio di Boschi di Farnia nel Parco Ticino Lombardo. Uno sguardo nel profondo dei boschi del Ticino: il telerilevamento iperspettrale per la gestione e la pianificazione forestale.
- Colombo R., Meroni M., Migliavacca M., Busetto L., Panigada C. (2005) Estimation of the Net Ecosystem Exchange in agro-forestry ecosystems by assimilation of satellite-derived information in a process model. Workshop On Climatic Analysis And Mapping For Agriculture, 14-17 June 2005, Bologna, Italy.
- Colombo, R., Busetto L., Meroni M., Magni F., (2005). Stima della fIPAR tramite immagini MODIS. Atti IX Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Catania, pp. 1533-1538.
- Gobron N., M. Meroni, J.-L. Widlowski, R. Colombo, T. Lavergne, T. Zenone, O. Aussedat, L.A. Hunt, M. Verstraete and G. Seufert (2005). Remote sensing FAPAR validation with in-situ measurements & 3D radiative transfer modeling: case study over Poplar sites (Ticino, Italy). Carboeurope-IP Integrated Project Meeting , 10-13 January Dublin, Ireland.
- Widlowski J.-L., M. Meroni , N. Gobron , R. Colombo, L. Busetto, T. Lavergne , T. Zenone, O. Aussedat, L. A. Hunt, M. Verstraete, and G. Seufert (2005). Intercomparison of photosynthetic activity estimates from remote sensing data, field measurements and 3-D radiation transfer modelling: A poplar site in northern Italy. European Geosciences Union , Vienna, Austria, 24 – 29 April.
- Migliavacca M., Busetto L., Meroni M., Colombo R., Matteucci G., Seufert G. (2005). Recalibration of a modified version of the BIOME-BGC model with multitemporal MODIS imagery for the estimation of Net Ecosystem Exchange in a poplar plantation. European Geosciences Union , Vienna, Austria, 24 – 29 April.
- Colombo R., Meroni M., Busetto L. Seufert G. (2004). CarboEurope-LAI Mapping in Italy, CEOS LAI-Intercomparison Meeting , Missoula, Montana.
- Colombo R., Meroni M., Busetto L., Migliavacca M., Panigada C. Seufert G.M. , Matteucci G. (2004). Coupling the BIOME-BGC model with temporal series of MODIS surface reflectance data for simulating carbon and water budgets in poplar plantations. MODIS Vegetation Workshop II , Missoula, Montana.
- Migliavacca M., Meroni M., Colombo R., Busetto L., Seufert G.M. (2004). Stima degli scambi di carbonio in ecosistemi forestali attraverso un modello di simulazione dei cicli biogeochimici. XIV Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia , Siena 4-6 Oct.
- Meroni M., Colombo R., Cogliati S., (2004) High resolution leaf spectral signature for the detection of solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence, 2 nd International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence , 17-19 Nov., Montreal, Canada.
- Colombo R., Meroni M., Marchesi A., Busetto L., Panigada C., Giardino C., Del Pero G., (2004). Stima del contenuto idrico della vegetazione tramite telerilevamento iperspettrale. Atti ASITA 04 , Roma.
- Colombo R., J.V. Vogt, P. Soille, M. L. Paracchini, A. L. De Jager. (2003). On the Derivation of Pan-European River Networks And Catchment Boundaries From A 250m DEM, Geophysical Research Abstracts , Vol. 5, 06474, 2003, European Geophysical Society 2003.
- Meroni M., Brivio P. A., M. Boschetti, R. Colombo, C. Panigada, J. R. Miller (2003). Characterising Forest Ecosystem Parameters with Hyperspectral Data: the DARFEM (HySens IT2-01) Experiment. 3rd EARSeL Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen (Germany).
- Matteucci G., Colombo R., Leip A., Meroni M., Tarrason D., Previtali F., Seufert G., (2003). ll “Kyoto Experiment” del Joint Research Center di Ispra (VA) nel Parco Ticino: bilanci di gas-serra in un pioppeto, confronto con un bosco planiziale originario e analisi a scala territoriale. Conferenza Internazionale “Alberi e Foreste nella Pianura”, Milano , pp.
- Colombo R., Meroni M., Panigada C., Busetto L., Rossini M. (2003) Stima di variabili biofisiche e biochimiche della vegetazione di pianura mediante misure di terreno e tecniche di telerilevamento satellitare e da aereo. 7 a Conferenza Nazionale delle Agenzie Ambientali, Milano , pp.
- Colombo R., Meroni M., Panigada C., Matteucci G., Busetto L., Rossini M., (2003). Hyperspectral observation for forest ecosystem characterisation at the Ticino experimental site ESA Workshop: SPECTRA, a space-borne Earth Observation Mission to address the role of terrestrial vegetation in the Carbon Cycle; ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherland.
- Mauri E., Stroppiana D., Colombo R., Sarfatti P., (2003). Stima della Produzione Primaria Netta e della Produzione Agricola nell’area di Laú, in Ciad da serie temporali di dati SPOT-VEGETATION, Atti VII Conferenza Nazionale ASITA “ L’informazione Territoriale e la dimensione tempo ”.
- Meroni M., R. Colombo, C. Panigada, M. Boschetti, P.A. Brivio, J.R. Miller, (2002). Biophysical parameters retrieval from multi-angular and hyperspectral observations in an intensive poplar plantation. Proc . 1 st International Symposium Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing , Valencia (Spagna), pp. 900-903.
- Panigada C., J.R. Miller, M. Meroni, T. Noland, M. Boschetti, R. Colombo, C.M. Marino, (2002). Preliminary pigment retrieval results from a sparse-canopy poplar plantation in northern Italy using hyperspectral data. Proc. 1 st International Symposium Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing , Valencia (Spagna), pp. 885-890.
- Meroni M., Panigada C., Colombo R., (2002). Stima distribuita di LAI e concentrazione fogliare dei clorofilla attraverso tecniche di telerilevamento. Prima Conferenza Nazionale Commissione Italiana IGBP Mediterraneo e Italia nel cambiamento globale: un ponte fra scienza e società. Paestum (Salerno) 14-16 novembre 2002.
- Colombo R., J.V. Vogt, F. Bertolo (2002). Deriving Drainage Networks and Catchment Boundaries a t the European Scale. A New Approach Combining Digital Elevation Data and Environmental Characteristics, European Communities Publications EUR 19805 EN, 58 p.
- Colombo R., Meroni M., Panigada C., Busetto L., Rossini M. (2003) Stima di variabili biofisiche e biochimiche della vegetazione di pianura mediante misure di terreno e tecniche di telerilevamento satellitare e da aereo. 7 a Conferenza Nazionale delle Agenzie Ambientali, Milano , pp.
Pre-2002 (selected)
- Meroni M., Brivio P.A., Colombo R., Ghezzi P., Giardino C., Gomarasca M.A. (1998). Evaluation of Evapotranspiration in Alpine Forest Catchment Using Satellite Remotely Sensed Data. In “Earth Surface Remote Sensing II” , G. Cecchi, E. Zilioli, Editors, Proc. SPIE Vol. 3496, pp. 86-93.
- Maggi M., Colombo R., Brivio P.A., Tomasoni R. (1998). Flooded Areas Estimation Using Radar Images and Digital Elevation Model. In “Earth Surface Remote Sensing II” , G. Cecchi, E. Zilioli, Editors, Proc. SPIE Vol. 3496, pp. 46-53.
- Colombo R, Brivio P. A., Zilioli E., Mancini M. (1997). Evaluation of Spatially distributed remotely sensed data to estimate hydrological-related parameters. In “ Earth Surface Remote Sensing” , G. Cecchi, E. T. Engman, E. Zilioli, Editors, Proc. SPIE Vol. 3222, pp. 171.
- Fussi F., L. Fumagalli, T. Bonomi, F. Fava, Di Mauro, C.H. Kane, M. Faye, S. Wade, G. Faye, B. Hamidou, R. Colombo: Use of remote sensing and terrain modeling to identify suitable zones for manual drilling in Africa and support low cost water supply. 2015 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference. Water and Sustainable Development: From Vision to Action. 15-17 January 2015.
- Fava & R. Colombo, (2015). Satellite monitoring of spatial and temporal patterns of bamboo flowering and wildfires in the forests of the Arakan mountain range (South East Asia). Annual Meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology, Zurich, Switzerland, 7-10 April 2015. (Oral Presentation)
- Alonso, L. ; Cogliati, S. ; Damm, A. ; et al Measuring Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: an Evaluation and Synthesis of Existing Field Data. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Paris, France, 04/22/2014 – 04/24/2014 (2014)
- Cogliati, R. Colombo, N. Sabater, L. Alonso, W. Verhoef. “Retrieval of sun induced fluorescence by using spectral fitting methods”. PARCS STUDY, Final Meeting, 3 July 2014 ESA/ESTEC
- Cogliati, R. Garzonio, B. Di Mauro, B. Tattarletti, F. Zacchello, P. Marras and R. Colombo. The Hyperspectral UAV (HyUAV) a novel UAV-based spectroscopy tool. ESSEM COST Action ES1309 OPTIMISE October 8th-10th, Milan, Italy.
- Cogliati, S., et. Al.. Retrieval of sun induced fluorescence using advanced spectral fitting methods from radiative transfer simulations and HyPlant imagery. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, France, Paris, 22 – 24 April 2014.
- Colombo R. (2014). Ground-based measurements of reflectance and sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence. BELAIR Workshop, Grand-Leez, Gembloux (BE). Keynote lecture.
- Colombo R., Rossini M. (2014). Retrieval of vegetation biophysical parameters and fluorescence from multisource remote sensing. May 8, 2014, NASA, GSFC (invited talk).
- Damm, A. Rossini, M. ; Colombo, R. ; et al AIRBORNE BASED SPECTROSCOPY TO MEASURESUN-INDUCED CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE 6th Workshop on Hyperstectral Image and Signal Processing : Evolution in Remote Sensing, Lausanne, Switzerland, 06/24/2014 – 06/27/2014 (2014)
- Di Mauro B., B. Delmonte, M. Fagnani, F. Fava, R. Garzonio, R. Colombo, Model simulation and hyperspectral measurements of snow albedo and light absorbing impurities, International Conference on Atmospheric Dust 2014, At Castellaneta Marina, (IT) (Keynote lecture)
- Di Mauro B., F. Fava, P. Frattini, A. Camia, R. Colombo, M. Migliavacca, Spatial-temporal power law distribution of wildfires in Europe: a comparison between observed and simulated datasets, Data Analysis and Modeling in Earth Sciences, DAMES 2014, Milan (IT) (Oral Presentation)
- Fava F. & B. Di Mauro, Remote sensing applications for Alpine seminatural system management and conservation, Forum Alpinum 2014, Boario Terme (IT) (Invited lecture)
- Fava F., Rossini M., Panigada C., Cogliati S., Julitta T.,Di Mauro B., Colombo R.(2014). Remote sensing applications for mapping ecosystem services in the European Alps First Italian meeting on the MAES working group activities, 27-2-2014, Rome (presentazione orale su invito)
- Fussi F., L. Fumagalli, T. Bonomi, F. Fava, Di Mauro, C.H. Kane, M. Faye, S. Wade, G. Faye, B. Hamidou, R. Colombo: Use of remote sensing and terrain modeling to identify suitable zones for manual drilling in Africa and support low cost water supply. Groundwater, poverty and development, Overseas Development Institute, London 28/11/2014.
- Garzonio R., B. Di Mauro, D. Strigaro, M. De Amicis, V. Maggi, R. Colombo, Definition of a methodology to map the suitability of mountain glaciers for ice core drilling using morphometric and climatic indicators, International symposium on The Future of the Glaciers 2014, Turin (IT) (Oral presentation)
- Garzonio R., S. Cogliati, B. Di Mauro, A. Zanin, B. Tattarletti, F. Zacchello, P. Marras, R. Colombo, The HYUAV: a novel UAV-based spectroscopy tool for environmental monitoring, UAVs in Environmental Research 2014, University of Exeter, Cornwall (UK) (Oral presentation)
- Guanter, L. ; Colombo, R. ; Damm, A. ; et al Spatio-temporal variability of validated sun-induced fluorescence maps from HyPlant imaging spectrometer. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Paris, France, 04/22/2014 – 04/24/2014 (2014)
- Guanter, L. ; Rossini, M. ; Colombo, R. ; et al Mapping chlorophyll fluorescence at 740 and 690 nm with the Hyplant airborne imaging spectrometer 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Paris, France, 04/22/2014 – 04/24/2014 (2014)
- Pinto, F. ; Cogliati, S. ; Colombo, R. ; et al Mapping spatio-temporal variations of sund-induced chlorophyll fluorescence at close canopy scale using hyperspectral images. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Paris, France, 04/22/2014 – 04/24/2014 (2014)
- Rascher, U. ; Alonso, L. ; Burkart, A. ; et al HyPlant: A novel, high-performance air-borne imaging spectrometer to map sun-induced fluorescence: instrument technology, measurement concept, and overview on data. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Paris, France, 04/22/2014 – 04/24/2014 (2014)
- Rossini, M. ; Alonso, L. ; Cogliati, S. ; et al Measuring sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: an evaluation and synthesis of existing field data 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Paris, France, 04/22/2014 – 04/24/2014 (2104)
- Rossini, M., Alonso, L., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Guanter, L., Julitta, T., Meroni, M., Moreno, J., Panigada, C., Pinto, F., Rascher, U., Schickling, A., Schüttemeyer, D., Zemek, F., Retrieval of plant fluorescence from multisource remote sensing COST Action ES1309 “OPTIMISE” meeting, Milano, Italy, 8-10 October 2014 (presentazione orale).
- Rossini, M., Colombo, R., Panigada, C., Cogliati, S., Fava, F., Meroni, M., Busetto, L. (2014). Hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation status. Workshop Hyperspectral Technology and Applications, Finmeccanica, Roma, 12 Febbraio 2014 (presentazione orale).
- Rotiroti M., B. Di Mauro, L. Fumagalli and T. Bonomi, Component separation approach to estimate natural background levels: a case study from the lower Po Plain (northern Italy), Flowpath 2014, Viterbo, (IT) (Oral presentation)
- Schickling, A. ; Guanter, L. ; Colombo, R. ; et al Spatio-temporal variability of validated sun-induced fluorescence maps from HyPlant imaging spectrometer. 5th International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Paris, France, 04/22/2014 – 04/24/2014 (2014)
- Cogliati, A. Damm, L. Guanter, L. Alonso, U. Rasher, A. Schickling, F. Pinto. “HyPlant: evaluation of technical performance”. HyFlex project, 14-15 November 2013, ESA/ESTEC.
- Cogliati, R. Colombo, M. Rossini. “Fluorescence retrieval using Spectral Fitting Methods”. HyFlex project, 14-15 November 2013, ESA/ESTEC.
- Di Mauro B., Crosta G. F., Fava F. , Busetto L., and Colombo R. A Dynamical System Perspective of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing: Analysis of MODIS Spectral Index Time Series from Forest Wildfires. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS 2013 in Stockholm, Sweden, 2013 (Oral presentation)
- Engelsen, O, Tømmervik, H., Rossini, M., Vescovo, L., Bjerke, J., Hansen, G. (2013). Hyper-spectral sensor measurements at an Arctic Atlantic raised bog in northern Norway. COST Action ES0903 “EUROSPEC” Final Conference, 6-8 November 2013 (poster).
- Fava F. , Migliavacca M., Rossini M., Di Mauro B., Julitta T. and Colombo R. Land Surface Phenology of Alpine environments in the European Alps from MODIS data. COST Action ES0903 EUROSPEC Final Conference, 6-8 November 2013 (Poster presentation)
- Julitta, T., Pacheco-Labrador, J., Rossini, M., Fava, F., Mac Arthur, A. (2013). The cosine receptors effect in biophysical parameter estimation. COST Action ES0903 “EUROSPEC” Final Conference, 6-8 November 2013 (presentazione orale).
- Pacheco-Labrador, J., Julitta, T., Rossini, M., Martín, M. P., Mac Arthur, A. (2013). Assessing the impact of non-linear responses of field spectroradiometers on the estimation of biophysical parameters and light use efficiency. COST Action ES0903 “EUROSPEC” Final Conference, 6-8 November 2013 (poster).
- Pinto, F. ; Cogliati, S. ; Colombo, R. ; et al. Mapping of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence at canopy scale using co-registration of hyperspechtral and 3D stereo images. 8th Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Nantes, France, 04/08/2013 – 04/10/2013 (2013)
- Rascher, U. ; Alonso, L. ; Burkart, A. ; et al Mapping sun-induced fluorescence using the high performance imaging spectrometer HyPlant 8th Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Nantes, France, 04/08/2013 – 04/10/2013 (2013)
- Rascher, U., Alonso, L., Burkart, A., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Guanter, L., Julitta, T., Moreno, J., Pinto, F., Rossini, M., Schickling, A. (2013). Mapping sun-induced fluorescence using the high performance imaging spectrometer HyPlant: Understanding spatio-temporal variations in vegetation stress response and functional adaptation of photosynthesis. COST Action ES0903 “EUROSPEC” Final Conference, Trento 6-8 November 2013 (presentazione orale).
- Rossini, M., Alonso, L., Burkart, A., Cilia, C., Cogliati, S., Colombo, R., Damm, A., Guanter, L., Hanus, J., Julitta, T., Kokkalis, P., Moreno, J., Panigada, C., Pinto, F., Schickling, A., Schüttemeyer, D., Zemek, F., Rascher, U. (2013). Sensing of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from ground to airborne scale. COST Action ES0903 “EUROSPEC” Final Conference, 6-8 November 2013 (presentazione orale).
- Schickling, A. ; Pinto, F. ; Cogliati, S. ; et al Mapping sun-induced Chlorophyll fluorescence as an indicator for photosynthetic rate. AGU, San Francisco, USA, 12/09/2013 – 12/13/2013 (2013)
- Schickling, A. ; Pinto, F. ; Damm, A. ; et al. Evaluation of sun-induced fluorescence maps as an indicator for plant functional properties 8th Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Nantes, France, 04/08/2013 – 04/10/2013 (2013)
- Schickling, A. ; Pinto, F. ; Damm, A. ; et al.Remote sensing of sun-induced fluorescence using the high performance imaging spectrometer HyPlant. TR32-Hobe International Symposium, Bonn, Germany, 03/11/2013 – 03/14/2013 (2013)
- Tomelleri, E., Cerasoli, S., Eklundh, L., Doktor, D., Magnani, F., McArthur, A., Moreno, J., Porcar, J., Rossini, M., Weihs, P., Wohlfahrt, G. (2013). Challenges of hyper-spectral sensing for up-scaling matter and energy fluxes. COST Action ES0903 “EUROSPEC” Final Conference, 6-8 November 2013 (presentazione orale).
- Vescovo, L., Gianelle, D., Sakowska, K., Alberti, G., Gioli, B., Miglietta, F., Pitacco, A., Meggio, F., Rossini, M., Julitta, T., Fava, F., MacArthur, A. (2013). Modelling spatial distribution of fAPAR and CO2 fluxes in a subalpine grassland plateau of the Italian Alps using multiple airborne AISA Eagle hyperspectral sensor observations. COST Action ES0903 “EUROSPEC” Final Conference, 6-8 November 2013 (poster).
- Rossini, M., Cogliati, S., Meroni, M., Migliavacca, M., Julitta, T., Cremonese, E., Galvagno, M., Gioli, B., Miglietta, F., Morra di Cella, U., Colombo, R. (2012). Estimation of gross ecosystem production by hyperspectral and fluorescence measurements in terrestrial ecosystems. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 22-27 July 2012, Munich, Germany (presentazione orale).
- Rossini, M., Cogliati, S., Julitta, T., Meroni, M., Migliavacca, M., Panigada, C., Cremonese, E., Galvagno, M., Colombo, R. (2012). Ground-based hyperspectral and fluorescence measurements for the estimation of gross primary production. EUROSPEC-SPECNET meeting: International Networks cooperating to link spectral data and flux measurements around the world, 27-29 June 2012, Madrid, Spain (presentazione orale).
- Rossini, M., Cogliati, S., Meroni, M., Barducci, A., Julitta, T., Migliavacca, M., Cremonese, E., Galvagno, M., Gioli, B., Morra di Cella, U., Colombo, R. (2012). Estimation of Gross Ecosystem Production by hyperspectral and fluorescence measurements in terrestrial ecosystems. Plenary conference COST Action ES0903, 26-27 January 2011, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy (presentazione orale).
- Cogliati, S., Rossini, M., Meroni, M., Julitta, T., Barducci, A., Migliavacca, M., Castagnoli, F., Cremonese, E., Galvagno, M., Colombo, R., Morra di Cella, U. (2011). The HyperSpectral Irradiometer (HSI): an automated instrument for continuous measurements of canopy spectral properties. Phenoalp project final meeting, 12-14 October 2011, Torgnon (AO), Italy (presentazione orale).
- Rossini, M., Anderson, K., Balzarolo, M., Vescovo, L., Nichol, C., Martin, M.P., Pacheco, J., MacArthur, A., Julitta, T., Fava, F. (2011). Intercomparison experiment. COST Action Eurospec ES0903: Working Group 1 meeting, 12-13 December 2011, Osservatorio Ximeniano, Firenze, Italy (presentazione orale).
- Rossini, M., Meroni, M., Cogliati, S., Julitta, T., Migliavacca, M., Busetto, L., Cremonese, E., Galvagno, M., Morra di Cella, U., Siniscalco, C., Colombo, R. (2011). Field spectroscopy measurements on an alpine grassland: methods and preliminary results. Phenoalp project final meeting, 12-14 October 2011, Torgnon (AO), Italy (presentazione orale).
- Rossini, M., Meroni, M., Cogliati, S., Migliavacca, M., Busetto, L., Barducci, A., Castagnoli, F., Cremonese, E., Galvagno, M., Morra di Cella, U., Gioli, B., Miglietta, F., Colombo, R. (2011). Field spectrometric systems for long-term unattended hyperspectral measurements: instrument development and collected data. Plenary conference COST Action ES0903 Enlarging and connecting European spectral network, 18-20 January 2011, Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station, Finland (presentazione orale).
- Bresciani, M., Rossini, M. (2011). HABlakes Spectral characterization of harmful algal blooms in Mantua lakes (Italy), 19 July 2011, Workshop “Remote sensing of Cyanobacteria”, Mantua and Garda lakes, Italy (presentazione orale).
- Fava, F., Pulighe, G., Zucca, C., Pasture condition mapping in desertification sensitive areas of Sardinia by MODIS satellite data. Dryland ecosystem functioning and resilience integrating biophysical assessment with socio-economic issues, 6-8 July 2011, Alghero, Italy. (poster)
- Fussi F. : Mapping of suitable zones for manual drilling as a possible solution to increase access to drinking water in Africa. 6th Rural Water Supply Network Forum 2011 Uganda Rural Water Supply in the 21st Century: Myths of the Past, Visions for the Future link:
- Panigada, C. ; Busetto, L. ; Meroni, M. ; et al Edocros: early detection of crop water and nutritional stress by remotely sensed indicators 4th International workshop on remote sensing of vegetation fluorescence, 2011, nur auf CD (2011).
- Panigada, C. ; Busetto, L. ; Meroni, M. ; et al. Edocros: early detection of crop water and nutritional stress by remotely sensed indicators. FLEX Workshop Valencia, 2010-11-15 (2010)
- Rossini M., Meroni M., Cogliati S., Migliavacca M., Busetto L., Colombo R. (2010). Spectrometer characterization and quality control of long time series of spectral data. Cost action ES0903: Working Group Joint Meeting, 28 – 30 April 2010, Fondazione Edmund Mach, Viote del Monte Bondone (Trento), Italy.
- Rossini M., Meroni M., Migliavacca M., Cogliati S. , Busetto L. , Cremonese E., Galvagno M., Gioli, B., Magnani, F., Miglietta, F., Morra di Cella, U., Siniscalco, C., Colombo R. (2010). Estimation of gross ecosystem production by hyperspectral measurements in terrestrial ecosystems. Third Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Edited by José A. Sobrino, Universitat de València. Published by Publicacions de la Universitat de València, València, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-370-7952-3., pp. 851-856.
- Cogliati S., Meroni M., Rossini M., Barducci S., Migliavacca M., Castagnoli F., Colombo R. (2010). Development of two field spectrometric systems for unattended long term spectral data collection. COST ACTION ES0903 Joint Working Groups meeting, April 28-30, 2010 at Fondazione Mach, Viote del Monte Bondone-Trento, (ITALY).
- Colombo R. et al. (2010). Analysis of interannual variation of vegetation phenology in the Alpine environment using time series of MODIS data. XIV Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 9-12 Novembre 2010, Fiera di Brescia, Italia.
- Fava F., Busetto L., Migliavacca M., Cremonese E., Colombo R., Motarnicola C., Pasolli L., Galvagno M., Morra Di Cella U., Siniscalco C., Zebisch M. (2010). Satellite monitoring of inter-annual variability of alpine grassland and larch phenology and its relationship with climatic drivers in two regions of the Italian Alps (2010). Phenology 2010: Climate change impacts and adaptation, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 14 – 17 June 2010.
- Cremonese E., Migliavacca M., Busetto L., Cogliati S., Colombo R., Galvagno M., Lonati M., Manca G., Meroni M., Morra Di Cella U., Pari E., Rossini M., Siniscalco C. (2010). Alpine grassland phenology: a multi-source data perspective. Phenology 2010: Climate change impacts and adaptation, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 14 – 17 June 2010.
- Caramiello R., Fossa V., Mercalli L., Busetto L., Migliavacca M., Sisinscalco C. (2010). Relazioni tra temperatura e inizio della pollinazione in specie arboree a Torino (1983-2009): un approccio modellistico. Riassunti 105° Congresso nazionale della Società Botanica Italiana Onlus, Milano Aula Magna dell’Università degli Studi, 25-28 agosto 2010.
- Rossini M., Cogliati S., Marchesi A., Fava F. , Giardino C., Panigada C. , Bresciani M., Busetto L., Migliavacca M., Picchi V., Boschetti M., Amaducci S., Vincini M., Colombo R., Meroni M. (2009). Detection of water stress in maize with hyperspectral imagery. Proceedings of the 33 rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE) , Stresa, Lago Maggiore , Italy , May 4-8 2009.
- Rossini M., Meroni M., Migliavacca M., Manca G., Cogliati S., Busetto L., Picchi V., Barducci A., Castagnoli F., Seufert G., Colombo R. (2009). Estimation of gross ecosystem production by hyperspectral measurements in a rice field. Proceedings of the 30 th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing “Bridging Excellence”, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, June 22-25, 2009.
- Migliavacca M. , Reichstein M. (2009). Phenology and carbon fluxes of forest ecosystems – Integration of remote sensing, flux observation and modeling. ESA-iLEAPS ALANIS Scientific Consultation Workshop , 20 April 2009, Vienna , Austria.
- Meroni M. , Rossini M. , Cogliati S. , Migliavacca M. , Panigada C. , Seufert G., Colombo R. (2009). Retrieval of vegetation fluorescence from hyperspectral data for the analysis of plant status. 6 th EARSeL SIG IS workshop IMAGING SPECTROSCOPY: Innovative tool for scientific and commercial environmental applications , 16 – 19 March 2009, Tel-Aviv University, Tel- Aviv, Israel.
- Migliavacca, M. ; Reichstein, M.; Colombo, R. Richardson, A. D.; Lasslop, G. Semi-Empirical Modelling Of Biotic And Abiotic Factors Controlling Ecosystem Respiration Across Eddy-Covariance Sites. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008. American Geophysical Union. 2008 AGUFM.B31E..05M.
- Fava F. , Colombo R. , Bocchi S., Sitzia M., Meroni M. , Zucca C. (2008). Assessment of mediterranean pastures biomass and nitrogen status using field spectrometry , Proceedings of the 10 th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Italian Journal of Agronomy , 3 (3), 483-484.
- Meroni M. , Migliavacca M. , Colombo R. , Cogliati S. , Rossini M. , Panigada C. , Busetto L. , Fava F. , Marchesi A. (2008). Optical sampling activities of the Remote Sensing Laboratory – University of Milan – Bicocca. SpecNet Europe meeting, 30 June – 4 July 2008 , Centre for Alpine Ecology – Fondazione Mach, Viote del Monte Bondone (Trento), Italy.
- Panigada C. , Rossini M. , Meroni M. , Cogliati S. , Picchi V., Marzuoli R., Gerosa G., Colombo R. (2008). Individuazione di indicatori degli effetti dell’ozono sulla vegetazione mediante misure spettroradiometriche. 12 a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 21-24 ottobre 2008, L’Aquila, Italy.
- Rossini M. , Meroni M. , Migliavacca M. , Cogliati S. , Manca G., Busetto L. , Picchi V., Galvagno M. , Fava F. , Marchesi A. , Zenone T., Panigada C. , Seufert G., Colombo R. (2008). Relationships between CO 2 eddy flux data and hyperspectral measurements in a rice field. SpecNet Europe meeting, 30 June – 4 July 2008 , Centre for Alpine Ecology – Fondazione Mach, Viote del Monte Bondone (Trento), Italy.
- Migliavacca, M. , Reichstein, M., Colombo, R., Lasslop, G., Tomelleri, E. et al. (2008) Semi-empirical modelling of ecosystem respirati on at European scale: model optimization and quantification of the associated uncertainties. Vien, European Geosciences Union , April 2008
- Rossini M ., Migliavacca M. , Meroni M. , Manca G., Cogliati S. , Busetto L. , Picchi V., Colombo R. , Seufert G. (2008). Stima della produttività primaria lorda a partire da misure iperspettrali in una risaia. Atti 12 a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA , L’Aquila, Italy, 21-24 ottobre 2008, pp. 1755-1760.
- Colombo, R., Meroni M., Cogliati S., Rossini M., Picchi V., Nali C., Lorenzini G., Panigada C., (2007). Solar-induced fluorescence and photochemical reflectance index for detecting plants physiological status. 3rd International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Florence, (Italy). (download)
- Cogliati, S., Rossini M., Meroni M., Colombo R., Giardino C. (2007). Anisotropic properties of solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence signals at canopy level. 27th EARSeL Symposium: “Geoinformation in Europe”, Bolzano 4-7 June. (download)
- Meroni M., Cogliati S., Picchi V., Rossini M., Panigada C., Nali C., Lorenzini G., Colombo R. (2007). Detection of steady-state fluorescence and PRI for early ozone injury assessments at canopy level. 3rd International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence, Florence, (Italy). (download)
- Meroni M., Cogliati S., Picchi V., Rossini M., Panigada C., Nali C., Lorenzini G., Marino C. M., Colombo R. (2006). Leaf level detection of steady state fluorescence and PRI for early ozone injury assessments. Second Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Torrent (Valencia), 25-29 September 2006. (download)
- Panigada C., Rossini, M., Busetto, L., Fava, F., Colombo, R., Meroni, M., Parco, V. (2006). Remote sensing of chlorophyll concentration as quantitative index of forest condition. Forests in a Changing Environment – Results of 20 years ICP Forests Monitoring. Symposium October 25-28, 2006 Göttingen (Germany). (download)
- Picchi V., Meroni M., Nali C., Cogliati S., Rossini M., Panigada C., Lorenzini G., Colombo R. (2006). Ecophysiological measurements and remote sensing techniques: an approach for the detection of early ozone injury; 19° Task Force Meeting of the UNECE ICP Vegetation, Caernarfon, Wales, UK. (download)
- Rossini M., Panigada C., Casati L., Busetto, L., Colombo, R., Castrovinci R. Monitoraggio dello stato di salute della farnia nel parco del ticino mediante tecniche di telerilevamento iperspettrale. V Congresso Nazionale SISEF, Foreste e Società: cambiamenti, conflitti, sinergie, Grugliasco (TO), 27 – 30 settembre 2005.
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